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September 10, 2006

African Safari - The Ultimate Family Vacation Adventure

Far removed from the distractions of daily life, an African safari offers an exciting alternative to the traditional family vacation. Nothing surpasses a wildlife safari for sheer adventure.In the Swahili language, the word "safari" means "trip" or "journey." Most of the time, it is used to describe the trip of an individual or family to visit distant relatives or friends. Non-Africans use the word safari to indicate a journey to Africa's game parks to view their magnificent wildlife.Africa's Outstanding Game Parks …Africa's game parks are noted for having the world's largest concentration of wildlife. Each park is has its own special appeal. It does not matter which game preserve you choose to visit on your African safari, you will experience the thrill of a lifetime.

Some of the more popular African safari destinations include Masai Mara and Amboseli in Kenya, the Serengeti and Ngorongoro Crater in Tanzania, and the Kalahari Game Preserve and Chobe National Park in Botswana.An Amazing Wildlife Spectacle …The world's most spectacular wildlife event takes place on the vast plains of east Africa. This event is the annual wildebeest migration. Each year, more than 1.4 million wildebeest make their journey from the vast Serengeti plains to the hills of Masai Mara. In addition, 200,000 zebra and gazelle accompany the wildebeest in their migration. These animals migrate in a clockwise direction covering over 1800 miles in their search for food and water. Africa's great predators relentlessly track these herds on their endless pilgrimage.Sighting the "Big Five" …Many people who go on an African safari set the goal of spotting each of the "Big Five" animals. These animals are the leopard, lion, elephant, rhino and buffalo. (Big game hunters designated these animals as the "Big 5" because they are the most dangerous to hunt.) While achieving that goal is not uncommon, not everyone achieves it.

The leopard and the rhino are often more difficult to spot.In addition to these, you will see thousands of other animals including a variety of gazelle and antelope, hyena, giraffes, wart hog, jackals, and an abundance of exotic bird life. Your safari options are not limited to wildlife viewing. You can have a great time in one of Africa's great cities, such as Johannesburg, Nairobi, or Dar es Salaam. Other options include trekking up Mount Kilimanjaro, rafting down one of the continent's great river, or, for the insanely courageous, bungee jumping from the bridge below Victoria Falls. Whaterver you choose to do on your African safari, you will have a memorable adventure.

My name is Earl Calvert. I am an Independent Travel Agent. I have traveled extensively with my family in the U.S, Europe, the Middle East and Africa. I have organized travel itineraries for both large and small groups. My website, Family Vacations and Adventures offers creative ideas for turning family vacations into family adventures. Provided By: Travel and Leisure

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