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October 4, 2006

Computers In Ethiopia

Many people wonder if they will be able to bring a computer with them to Ethiopia, and what the best way is to navigate writing home from the internet cafes. My experience both times when we were in Ethiopia was that the internet there is terribly, painfully s-l-o-w.

If you are thinking of taking photos and uploading them, don't imagine effortlessly sending large numbers of photos. Uploading a photo will take awhile, and you will probably want to significantly reduce the quality of each photo before sending it to speed the transmission. I 'lost' my internet connection frequently in the midst of trying to send emails.

Another challenge is just keeping your head => Read more!

Original post by [email protected] (Ethiopia)

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October 3, 2006

News From Ethiopia this Week

Ethiopia: Country Blames Eritrea's Inability to Behave Like a Normal State

The Reporter (Addis Ababa)
September 30, 2006

Ethiopia told the U.N. General Assembly it wants to normalize relations with Eritrea because it needs durable peace, but it accused Eritrea of refusing to "behave like a normal state."(continue reading here)


Ethiopia: France Extends Support for Nutrition Initiative
The Reporter (Addis Ababa)
September 30, 2006

France Friday donated USD 897,305 in => Read more!

Original post by [email protected] (Ethiopia)

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The princess of Africa

DSC0153It could only happen in Ethiopia.

Yvonne Chaka Chaka, the Princess of Africa, sings a song by Miriam Makeba, Mama Africa, under a fig tree in the village of Dukem Kotecha, an hour's drive along unmade roads outside Debre Zeit. South African music isn't huge in Ethiopia. But everyone seemed to know the words, or at least the tune.

It all happened over the weekend during a huge government-run, UN/NGO-supported distribution of malaria nets in the region. (The blue thing that the man is holding in the background is an insecticide-treated net.) Malaria transmission season is coming on quickly - it normally peaks in October/November and can kill 100,000 in a matter of months during an epidemic.

In case you are wondering how this all fits together, Yvonne Chaka Chaka is UNICEF's regional spokesperson on malaria.

Original post by aheavens

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