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September 10, 2006

Geography of Addis Ababa

The built up area of Addis Ababa covers 222 square kilometers in the shadows of the Entotto mountains. Like many urban regions in America, beyond its suburbs, Addis Ababa is surrounded by smaller cities on the rail line and major roads leading into the city. which rely on it as a market for products of industry. Nearby towns include Akaki on the outskirts of Addis Ababa, which is a center for light industries including textiles and food processing, and Nazareth, a sugar processing center which is southeast of the capital. Debre Zeyt, the headquarters of the Ethiopian airforce and a weekend resort for many citizens of Addis Ababa is also to the southeast. A vacation destination for city people is Lake Bishofu, a crater lake swimming hole to the east of Addis Ababa (Area Handbook 183).

Because of its desirable central location and primate city status, ³All roads² do indeed, ³lead to Addis, which offers a blending of modern and traditional living patterns,² according to the Area Handbook for Ethiopia (30). For more information about addis ababa the ethiopian capital, please check out introduction to addis ababa,ethiopia

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October 3, 2006

News From Ethiopia this Week

Ethiopia: Country Blames Eritrea's Inability to Behave Like a Normal State

The Reporter (Addis Ababa)
September 30, 2006

Ethiopia told the U.N. General Assembly it wants to normalize relations with Eritrea because it needs durable peace, but it accused Eritrea of refusing to "behave like a normal state."(continue reading here)


Ethiopia: France Extends Support for Nutrition Initiative
The Reporter (Addis Ababa)
September 30, 2006

France Friday donated USD 897,305 in => Read more!

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January 11, 2005

Plan launched to help orphans

ADDIS ABABA, 14 Dec 2004 (IRIN) - One Ethiopian child out of 10 is an orphan, a report by the UN, the government and the NGO, Save the Children, said. The HIV/AIDS pandemic, appalling poverty and…

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Original post by (Ethiopia)

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