=== Democracy === Tags: poll,democracy,survey Contributors: jalenack Andrew Sutherland http://blog.jalenack.com Original Release: June 28, 2005 This release: September 26, 2005 Version: 1.2 Released under the CC GPL 2.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/GPL/2.0/ == Features == * Uses AJAX for sending and loading the results, but is fully accessible in non-js environments * Complete admin panel * When someone votes, they receive a cookie with what poll they voted in and what their vote was. It also logs their IP, so the same person can't vote twice even if they delete the cookie * Allows users to see current results without voting. Also, detects if there are no votes and announces it... * After voting, the choice you made is highlighted. * Automatic database table installation. * Displays winners of each poll in the admin panel. * Delete old polls in the admin panel. * Edit existing polls. * AJAX is compatible with IE 6, Safari, Firefox, and Opera. All the other browsers, and those with javascript turned off, are supported as well. * Select an active poll. * jal_democracy() takes poll ID arguments. Use to display poll 10. However, I recommend you use the 'activate' feature instead. * Allow your users to add their own choices. * Uses the date format you set in the Options panel for the Date Added column. * Marks which answers have been added by users, if applicable. * Has an archiving function for displaying past polls == Installation == 1. Put the ENTIRE folder labeled "democracy" into your plugins folder (/wp-content/plugins/). There should be 4 files within the democracy folder: democracy.css, admin.js, democracy.php, and js.php 2. Go to your plugins panel of WordPress in your browser, and activate Democracy. This will automatically create a table in your Wordpress database for the plugin. 3. Add where you want the poll to appear, typically in your sidebar. 4. Go to Admin Panel > Manage > Democracy to add and edit polls. You'll need to activate the default poll if you want it. OPTIONAL: 5. Open the democracy.php file and twiddle with the settings at the top. 6. Use the poll archiving function: jal_democracy_archives($show_active = FALSE, $before_title = '