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September 28, 2006

Where are the pro-government bloggers?

A guy called chubby just left this comment:

hey, i was just wondering are there any pro-meles or government websites? all i can find is one sided against the gov't, would like to see the other side…

There are pro-government websites a plenty - try the Hmbasha Commentary Page or The Ethiopian Herald or the Walta Information Service.

As far as I can tell, however, there are no pro-government blogs. I just had to add the following paragraph to balance out the latest Ethio blog round-up on GlobalVoices (this one about diaspora bloggers pushing for the US Congress to pass House Resolution 5680 - the ‘Ethiopia Freedom, Democracy, and Human Rights Advancement Act of 2006′):

The political debate in Ethiopia’s blogosphere is dominated by anti-government voices. No posts arguing the government’s case turned up in a search of Technorati and other sources.

Personally, I think that is a shame. Sometimes the one-sided commentary gets a bit over-powering. Take the story 'Breaking News:Thousands of Soldiers swarm the Meskel square as revolutionary spirit engulfs Addis' on seminawork.

All I can say is that I must be living in a different Addis. There were lots of riot police and a handful of stone-throwers (far fewer than last year). But as for a "revolutionary spirit engulfing Addis" - all I was able to detect from the people I spoke to was a general desire to keep their heads down and celebrate Meskel. The Middle East Times summed up the non-story best with the headline Ethiopia religious holiday unusually quiet.

Original post by aheavens

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