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September 26, 2006

Accidental Adoption?

(I read this years ago and had a chuckle over it. Then this week someone on my agency email group shared it, and I decided to share it here in case some of my readers may not have seen it yet.)


Have you ever noticed that you hear all the time about "accidental" pregnancies, but never about couples who experience "accidental" adoptions?

Can you imagine:

Honey, sit down. I have some news for you.

What is it?

Well, I don't know how to say this, so I'll just come out with it. I went out to the mailbox today and … well, we got an I-171H.

A what?!? An I-171H? As in, we're going to have a(nother) baby?!?

It looks that => Read more!

Original post by (Ethiopia)

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