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October 27, 2006

Staying In Ethiopia Hotels

If you are looking to stay in one of the Ethiopia hotels, you will need to look in their major cities. Addis Ababa and Gondar feature the best variety of hotels for the country in Africa, allowing tourists and visitors to stay in relative comfort. Many visitors head to Ethiopia to check out the large landscapes and artifacts that are spread around it, taking note of the old ruins and structures that were built by Arabs in the early time of the world. There are lots of Arab-influenced structures throughout Ethiopia that you can see, including plenty of towers and walls with the influence of Arabian construction spread throughout. Staying in Ethiopia hotels will give you a heads up as to what to see.

There is also a lot of scenery including several wild animals to see when you are there. Your guide to Ethiopia hotels will also feature advice on how to locate the wild animals you may be interested in seeing, including lions and hippos in their natural habitat. This type of enchanting surrounding is what brings a lot of people to Ethiopia, despite the nation being fairly stricken with poverty and despair. There are also lots of wild rivers that flow recklessly through the land and create a wonderful site for tourists and visitors to see.

The Enchantment Of Ethiopia

The tourist infrastructure is building slowly from the border war with Eritrea, but most of the country is still desperately poor and filled with despair. This is hard on a lot of visitors and creates a strange enchantment with Ethiopia that many people find too hard to take. Some people cannot fathom staying in the fine Ethiopia hotels while people outside the city borders of Addis Ababa starve or go hungry without shelter. The reality of the country can often make it difficult to visit with the desire for a vacation, but it can also be an eye-opening experience that many people will benefit from.

Staying in Ethiopia hotels can be a stressful way to spend time for some people as a lot of the attractions come with lots of flies, smells, and beggars. This can be hard to take for some people while others are more capable of melting into the culture and learning from it while appreciating what the country has to offer. It can be breathtakingly beautiful and terrifyingly awful at the same time; it is hard to tune out the despair for many people on your way to Ethiopia hotels.

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September 10, 2006

Backpacking in Africa: Staying in Hostels

Backpacking, especially in Africa and other exotic places has been more and moore popular the recent years. Many of us remember the movie "The Beach" a few years ago and it's a fact that backpacking increased after this movie launched. But haven't backpacking been a common way of travelling for students as long as there have been students and travelling? I will answer a clear 'yes' to that question. Hitchhiking and backpacking have been common by students and other low budget travellers for many years now.
Africa is a wonderful continent to go exploring and backpacking through some of the wonderful jungles and mountain ranges. As many a backpacker can tell you one of the best ways to lodge while on an adventure such as this is to take advantage of the many hostels located around the continent that welcome travellers of all ages to spend a night or two with them and immerse themselves in local culture.
Most people have always wanted to take a backpacking adventure in Africa because of the wide variety of people, culture, animals and landscapes available on the continent. In fact, many tour companies specialize in African getaway packages that lead you on a guided tour of some of the most breathtaking aspects of this continent that has a fascinating history and background.
When considering a trip to this region it is highly recommended you utilize their services because of certain areas on the continent that can be dangerous to foreigners without local guides.However, for the most part you will find the people of the African continent to be welcoming and eager to share their culture with you.
 By taking advantage of hostelling arrangements you will be able to meet fellow backpackers and local from the region that will share with you some of the unique features of the region and also help you immerse yourself in the specialized culture of the region. These low-cost solutions to lodging are often the only choice in many parts of the continent because of the unavailability of hotels and other arrangements.

Robert Alderton is a writer and internet publisher who likes to give his readers Information about Student Travel as well as travelling info in general.Check out his travel news and in depth information website" Provided By: Travel and Leisure

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An Africa Vacation Guide

Africa is called the “Dark Continent” for its perceived mystery, but there is not a whole lot that is mysterious about a destination site like this. You should definitely at Africa vacation at the top of your travel itinerary. Africa is probably the most diverse continent on the planet and a vacation there can hold just as much variety. It doesn't matter what you are seeking, an Africa vacation has it all. When we think of Africa picture jungles and beautiful wild beasts and that is no doubt true. For an Africa vacation, I would suggest looking into safari adventures, which will take you to places that are so incredible that most people have only dreamed about them. Imagine saying elephants and lions in the wild; but that be exciting experience? Although primitive in its look and feel, going on a safari doesn't mean you to have to live like an “animal”.

Throughout the vast game preserves and national parks, where you will see nature at its finest, are also some of the greatest accommodations found anywhere on the planet. On your vacation, you have the option to stay in guest lodges that rival anything in the cosmopolitan areas for luxury and service. The majority of these venues will make you feel like you are a king or queen of all you that you say, with these exciting amenities you could easily forget that you're on an Africa vacation.But the jungles and savannas of Africa are only a piece of the puzzle. In South Africa, you will find hotels and resort casinos that are every bit as nice as their Las Vegas counterparts. How about an Africa vacation that includes a first rate entertainment, exciting casino gambling, breathtaking beaches? All these are yours for the taking and are ideal for both singles and families, and can accommodate all types of budgets.In the north, beautiful beach resorts pepper the coastal Mediterranean as well as the Red Sea.
This is the place where a vacation turns into a desert odyssey. It's vaguely reminiscent of Palm Springs, California, except with miles and miles of breathtakingly beautiful white sand beaches.Africa has many wonderful island resorts on the Indian Ocean as well. An Africa vacation here could mean staying in a private bungalow at a small resort where delicious fresh fish is caught daily for lunch literally right outside your door. The waters in these areas are pristine and unspoiled, perfect for diving and sailing.In the north west, Morocco and the Canary Islands call for you with an entirely different atmosphere and feel.
In addition, an Africa vacation along the Atlantic coast has a totally different environment and culture to drink in. You may even feel as if you are you are in Monte Carlo or Cannes but it is much more laid-back and your wallet or feel the sting of those places.An Africa vacation can be just about anything that you would want it to be, with a variety that cannot be found anywhere else in the world.

Morgan Hamilton offers his findings and insights regarding the world of travel. You can get interesting and informative information by visiting Africa VacationProvided By: Travel and Leisure

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