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September 10, 2006

What does the bible say about interracial marriages?

What does the bible say about interracial marriages?"And Miriam and Moses spake against Moses because of the Ethiopian Woman he had married; for he had married and Ethiopian woman." Numbers 12:1 You can vividly picture this scene today, I know I can. Perhaps you can hear a parent saying…"I forbid you to marry outside our race!" Or, maybe even going as far as to disown the person who did marry outside their race, family or not family.Numbers 12:1 clearly describes a similar scene, Moses had married an Ethiopian woman, and his brother and sister were against it. But, the story doesn't end with that…the Lord suddenly spoke to the 3 siblings and called them to the tabernacle entrance. There, the Lord rebuked them. (Numbers 12:4-8)The Lord rebuked Aaron and Miriam, and Miriam was struck with leprosy and later healed (Numbers 12:9).
Some people may use Leviticus 21:10, and Deuteronomy to support their prejudice stand against interracial marriages, claiming it is in the bible that it is against it. Leviticus 21 gives marrying instructions to the High Priest:"…these shall he marry; but he shall take a virgin of his own people as wife."(*note — Aaron and his descendants were chosen by God to hold the priesthood)These instructions are clearly stated: "a virgin" and "from his own people." If someone is using this scripture as their stand against interracial marriages they must use it in the context it is written, and not just a part of it.
The instructions are for the High Priest, and she is also to be a virgin.Now, let me address Deuteronomy 7. This is where God gives instructions to the Hebrews regarding the promised land. God instructs them to "utterly destroy" the people who are now occupying the land that God is giving to them.They are also instructed to "show no mercy" and "not to make marriages with them." Then God tells them why they are not to marry them…(Duet. 7:4) "For they will turn your sons away from following ME, to serve other gods…"Before Christ died for us, the Hebrews were the only people to serve the One true God.
 Everyone else worshiped idols and false gods.So, why can't these scriptures be used to support someone's stand against interracial marriages? Well, if you consider the Gospels, you will find that Christ came and died for the whole world, giving everyone access to the throne of grace.John 3:16"For God so loved the WORLD, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him, should not perish, but have everlasting life."This includes all races. And under the Law of Grace, God's grace that is, we are all ONE IN CHRIST!1 Corinthians 12:13 "…- Whether Jews or Greeks, whether Slaves or Free - and All have been made to drink into ONE SPIRIT."

I am a 27 year old work at home mom. I have two sons, ages 6 and 2. My husband has been in the military for about 9 yrs now.Provided By: Religion

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Backpacking in Africa: Staying in Hostels

Backpacking, especially in Africa and other exotic places has been more and moore popular the recent years. Many of us remember the movie "The Beach" a few years ago and it's a fact that backpacking increased after this movie launched. But haven't backpacking been a common way of travelling for students as long as there have been students and travelling? I will answer a clear 'yes' to that question. Hitchhiking and backpacking have been common by students and other low budget travellers for many years now.
Africa is a wonderful continent to go exploring and backpacking through some of the wonderful jungles and mountain ranges. As many a backpacker can tell you one of the best ways to lodge while on an adventure such as this is to take advantage of the many hostels located around the continent that welcome travellers of all ages to spend a night or two with them and immerse themselves in local culture.
Most people have always wanted to take a backpacking adventure in Africa because of the wide variety of people, culture, animals and landscapes available on the continent. In fact, many tour companies specialize in African getaway packages that lead you on a guided tour of some of the most breathtaking aspects of this continent that has a fascinating history and background.
When considering a trip to this region it is highly recommended you utilize their services because of certain areas on the continent that can be dangerous to foreigners without local guides.However, for the most part you will find the people of the African continent to be welcoming and eager to share their culture with you.
 By taking advantage of hostelling arrangements you will be able to meet fellow backpackers and local from the region that will share with you some of the unique features of the region and also help you immerse yourself in the specialized culture of the region. These low-cost solutions to lodging are often the only choice in many parts of the continent because of the unavailability of hotels and other arrangements.

Robert Alderton is a writer and internet publisher who likes to give his readers Information about Student Travel as well as travelling info in general.Check out his travel news and in depth information website" Provided By: Travel and Leisure

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September 11, 2006


Youve heard about dreadlocks, know they became popular as the fame of singer songwriter Bob Marley grew and have probably even read about their history. But do you know why you should get dreadlocks?
There are many reasons for wearing dreadlocks and looking like one of the stars is one of them. If thats your motivation, you can emulate Lenny Kravitz, Whoopie Goldberg, Rob Zombie, Ani DiFranco, or even the famous Rastafarian Bob Marley himself. There is no doubt that by sporting dreadlocks youll be making a strong fashion statement. Like the actors, athletes and every day people that have come before you, youre dreadlocks will certainly draw attention.

Perhaps, though, your motivation for dreadlocks is of a spiritual nature. Rastafarians since the 1930s have been wearing dreadlocks to echo their belief system citing the Bible verse Leviticus 21:5: "They shall not make baldness upon their head, neither shall they shave off the corner of their beard, nor make any cuttings in their flesh." Even the term "dreadlocks" is a form of spirituality signifying the "a fear of the Lord". The Sadhus and Sadhvis or Indian holy men and women believed their dreadlocks were sacred and helped them remember that physical appearances were not important. In China, though, dreadlocks were thought to bring good health.

Another reason for wearing dreadlocks is as a form of self and group expression. The Cyber Goth movement in Europe and Ravers in the United States are wearing dreadlock wigs and extensions made with brightly colored fibers. Many people view it as a statement of ethnic pride including people who are honoring their Celtic and Viking ancestry. Dreadlocks have been called a symbol of black unity and power as well as the outward display for environmental activism. Even the rock scene is joining the creative expressionists as artists like Rob Zombie and Mike Borden choose dreadlocks over the former metal mania norm of long hair.

Theres one last reason you should get dreadlocks; Freedom. Whether you want to wear your hair down and flowing, bound on the top of your head, pulled back in a rubber band, covered with a shroom hat or even going every which way in a dreadlock version of spikes, you can because with dreadlocks you are not tied to a comb and your style is only limited by your imagination.
So take the plunge and get your killer Rastalocks today.

Kristy Pass is a stay at home mom, marketing mentor, and amatuer writer. If youve found her latest article helpful, youll love what you find at

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