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November 16, 2006

Learning About The Capital Of Ethiopia

The capital of Ethiopia was founded in 1887. Addis Ababa is the capital, the commercial and political capital of the African nation of Ethiopia. Over three million people live in Addis Ababa at last count, making it a very populated city. It is the largest city in Ethiopia and holds the Federal Government of Ethiopia seat. There are also various embassies, dignitaries, and other organizations involving regional government, international organizations, non-governmental agencies and other organizations such as the Economic Commission for Africa or the Organization of African Unity. The capital of Ethiopia is an important hub for organizations of the world to touch Africa.

Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia, is also the capital of the African Union. The African Union is an organization that consists of about 53 African states and was formed in 2001 to serve as a predecessor to the African Economic Community and the Organization of African Unity. One of the many goals of the African Union is to have a single currency and a single defence force that will be integrated through the capital of Ethiopia. The purpose of the union is to secure Africa’s rights on a global scale and to bring an end to inter-Africa conflict that causes problems within and between the states of the continent.

The Other Factors And Features

It is considered widely by most census takers and information collectors that one hundred percent of the people in the capital of Ethiopia are urban dwellers. This is because there are no rural areas in Addis Ababa to speak of. The census also reports that there is slightly more women than men in Addis Ababa, although the difference is quite small at around one hundred thousand more women than men. The city has an estimated population density of around five thousand people for every square mile. This can create quite crowded conditions on the streets.

A large majority of people in Addis Ababa are Christians, at around 82%. Twelve percent of people in the capital of Ethiopia are Muslims and the rest are followers of other religions including Hinduism and Judaism. Almost all ethnic groups are represented in Addis Ababa because of its position as the capital of Ethiopia. There are many farmers in Addis Ababa that contribute a lot of their crops and their animals to the overall storehouse projects. They are continual contributors to the economy of the city as a whole.

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